Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice: What Is It and Why Should We Care?


Over the last 20 years there has been increasing recognition of the role that psychological trauma plays in a wide range of health, mental health and social problems. When people think of trauma, they think about experiences like war and the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. But the reality is that trauma includes a wide range of situations where people are physically threatened, hurt or violated, or when they witness others in these situations. This includes such experiences as childhood physical and sexual abuse, domestic violence, witnessing domestic violence, serious accidents, natural disasters, physical torture, riots, shootings, knifings, being threatened with a weapon, combat, house fire, life-threatening illness, and death of someone close, especially sudden death.

Although, there have been no comprehensive studies of the prevalence of exposure to traumatic events, studies conducted in the United States suggest that exposure to traumatic events occurs in at least 50%-60% of the U.S. population, and rates in clinical settings run much higher (Kessler, 2000); Kessler notes that given that the U.S. has higher crime rates than other developed countries, it may be that these rates are significantly higher in the U.S. than in other developed nations. However, problems like child abuse and domestic violence are challenges faced by almost all the societies on our planet, and natural disasters certainly affect everyone, regardless of national origin.

The impact of living through traumatic events, especially multiple events over the course of a lifetime, can result in a range of behavioral health problems other than post-traumatic stress disorder, including substance abuse, depression, anxiety problems, childhood behavioral disorders, psychosis, and some personality disorder diagnoses (National Trauma Consortium, 2012). Some psychiatrists have suggested that the entire medical model of mental illness needs to be reevaluated in light of the recognition of the role of trauma (e.g. see Canadian psychiatrist, Dr. Colin Ross’s book The Trauma Model)– this is not to say that biology doesn’t play a role in behavioral health problems, only that it doesn’t, by itself, cause them in most circumstances.

The reality is that social workers have been working with trauma survivors from the first day our profession began. However, the growing knowledge base about how trauma affects people is now being used to inform changes in policy and practice to ensure that we support recovery and don’t inadvertently hurt people. Simply stated, trauma-informed practice is policy and practice based on what we know from research about the prevalence of trauma and about how affects people. Within the U.S., trauma-informed practice is usually referred to as Trauma-Informed Care (TIC), a term that is used in national policy efforts initiated by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration and the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

What Does Trauma-Informed Practice Actually Look Like?

Trauma-informed practice incorporates assessment of trauma and trauma symptoms into all routine practice; it also ensures that clients have access to trauma-focused interventions, that is, interventions that treat the consequences of traumatic stress. A trauma-informed perspective asks clients not “What is wrong with you?” but instead, “What happened to you?” However, trauma-informed practice also focuses our attention on the ways in which services are delivered and service systems are organized (Bloom & Farragher, 2011). Recognizing that traumatic events made people feel unsafe and powerless, trauma-informed practice seeks to create programs where clients and staff feel safe and empowered. Generally, trauma-informed practice is organized around the principles of safety/trustworthiness, choice/collaboration/empowerment, and a strengths-based approach (Hopper, Bassuk, & Olivet, 2010).

Trauma-informed organizations ensure that every staff member, from the receptionist to the executive director, understands trauma and trauma reactions. Trauma-informed organizations routinely examine all policies, procedures and processes to ensure they are not likely to trigger trauma reactions or to be experienced as re-traumatizing, that is, putting a client through a process that shares characteristics of the traumas they have lived through. For example, within psychiatric hospitals restraints have long been used for patients who are out of control in some way. However, for a person who has lived through abuse, restraint may well have been associated with being hurt physically or with being sexually abused. Restraints therefore have a high potential to actually re-traumatize a client and trigger more psychiatric symptoms. A trauma–informed perspective recognizes the damaging impact of restraints and focuses on incorporation of psychiatric advanced directives into mental health care. This is just one example of a practice within mental health that can be hurtful to trauma-survivors. For more examples of how our efforts to help can inadvertently hurt people, read the heart-wrenching case study, On Being Invisible in the Mental Health System, that describes the devastating impact of the mental health system on one young woman’s life and provides a compelling example of how our systems can fail trauma survivors.

Why Should We Care?

Each of us chose social work because we want to make a positive difference in the world. Some of us can see clearly where our work has this contribution. Many of us struggle to “do good” within service systems that are broken–we know at a basic level that something is very wrong, even if we manage to bring about positive outcomes much of the time. The systems within which many social workers are employed are often based on principles that are not only not trauma-informed, but instead, reinforce damaging messages to both staff and clients, such as “your voice doesn’t matter here.” Bloom and Farragher (2011) in their book Destroying Sanctuary, have written eloquently about the current crisis facing our human services delivery systems and how the impact of our systems often is the opposite of creating safe and growth-promoting environments, both for clients and staff. While it may not be the only lens that can be helpful in addressing this crisis, a trauma-informed perspective shines a clear light on what’s broken, what needs to change, and what will work instead. It focuses us not only on our direct practice, but on organizations, service systems, and ultimately our paradigms for understanding the work we are doing and the work we would like to do–in other words, it’s a true social work perspective. The paradigm fits well with the values of our profession, it draws attention to all that we know about a systems perspective, and it incorporates a holistic, biopsychosocial perspective on human beings.

It’s because of all of the above reasons that our faculty chose to incorporate a trauma-informed perspective (along with a human rights perspective) into all aspects of our masters in social work program. We feel that this perspective is a missing piece in social work education and that having it will make a difference in our graduates being able to practice effectively at all levels of social work practice, especially in their ability to bring about needed transformations in our service systems. Beyond the growing body of research that I’ve mentioned, part of what brought our faculty to this understanding was the feedback we were receiving from clients and agencies within our own community, Western New York, about the power of this perspective after years of incorporating it into our School’s continuing education programs. Agency directors were becoming increasingly interested in seeking out trauma trainings for everyone in their agencies because of the transformational impact they were seeing with clients and the workforce. One after another, social workers and other human services professionals were describing this as “the missing piece” in their knowledge base and that having this knowledge made a difference in their practice.

Many social workers feel disempowered within the systems in which they work: trauma-informed practice is a framework of system and practice transformation that can provide us with a blueprint for empowerment for ourselves as well as for our clients. I hope I’ve piqued your interest in this concept enough that you’ll consider learning more about it.

Where Can I Learn More About Trauma-Informed Practice?

Many of the resources cited in this post are good places to start to learn more about trauma-informed practice. In addition, try checking out the following:

Reference Citations

Bloom, S. L., & Farragher, B. (2011). Destroying sanctuary: the crisis in human services delivery systems. New York: Oxford University Press.

Hopper, E.K., Bassuk, E.L., & Olivet, J. (2010). Shelter from the storm: Trauma-Informed Care in homelessness services. The Open Health Services and Policy Journal, 3, 80-100. Retrieved April 19, 2013 at

Jennings, A. (1994). On being invisible in the mental health system. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research, 21(4), 374-387. Available online at: or

Kessler, R.C. (2000). Posttraumatic stress disorder: The burden to the individual and to society. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 61(supplement 5), 4-12.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network (2012). retrieved March 17, 2012

National Trauma Consortium (2012). retrieved March 17, 2012.

Ross, C.A. (2011). The trauma model: A solution to the problem of comorbidity in psychiatry (Kindle Edition). Austin, TX: Greenleaf Book Group.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (2012). National Center for Trauma-Informed Care. retrieved March 17, 2012.

This post is cross-posted from my post on SWSCMedia blog.

Photo is provided courtesy of SashaW on Flickr

12 thoughts on “Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice: What Is It and Why Should We Care?

  1. Pingback: Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice: What Is I...

  2. Pingback: Monday Morning Share: Poverty and Privilege | Thinking like a social worker

  3. I am incredibly grateful to Dr. Nancy Smyth for all of her work to raise awareness in trauma informed care. The most comprehensive patient care must involve being informed about trauma, and the various manifestations for the trauma survivor who is now your patient. It is so easy to just diagnose based on symptomology, prescribe a few pills, and submit your fee.

    The consequences of surviving trauma are complex, making it difficult to formulate a recovery and treatment plan. The most common defense mechanism, and the toughest one to work through, is denial. Throughout human history, lack of knowledge and non-acceptance of the perpetrators misdeeds has placed the suffering of survivors behind an armored wall, perpetuating traumatic effects. No recovery can occur behind this wall of forced silence, ignorance and lack of helpful resources. Over the last two decades, research has revealed the frequency of traumatic events, and their injurious effects on a survivor’s psyche. Mental health professional have come to understand the connections between unresolved trauma and serious psychological problems.

    Respectfully Yours,
    Rivka Edery, L.M.S.W
    Tel: (646) 691-7771
    Mobile Website:
    Author of: “Trauma and Transformation: A 12-Step Guide”.
    Available from:


  4. Pingback: Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice: What Is It and Why Should We Care? | Life of Wangene

  5. I think that there is a long way to go in thinking and practicing with a trauma informed view. Working in direct care with TBI clients, you learn first hand what trauma informed view is with that particular client. With direct work with TBI clients direct care workers deal with the whole person-brain issues. One has to keep in mind that a client can become anxious over finding an item they have not seen, or last remember where it is. All of the self directing TBI case I have worked there is a struggle with having a diagnosis of a brain injury needing “supervision” and having independence. In the two case I have experience with they were instances where the person was in a coma approximately 5 or more years ago. I also worked a case where the person had multiple physical and mental diagnoses, two of which were personality disorders. Behavior seems to be what suffered most in this particular client. While they were not aggressive to others, but were more around the inability to cope and comprehend totally what the particular situation was. With this client, I had to do shift assessments on lethality, and “hearing voices”. I also ended up learning that when her physical pain was increased, so were her lethality and mental health issues increased. I would routinely inform her care team and my agency of what was occurring with the client. In summary, I think that a trauma informed view means that the total person needs to be viewed and considered. I think that it is also important to view mundane things such as hours of service a client receives, client and direct staff attachments, staff conduct towards the client, staff experience all have to be examined. Too few hours may result in the client becoming traumatized and anxious over issues such as grocery shopping, banking, physical needs care etc. Client may refuse certain tasks to be preformed by other staff because of a bond that the particular client and staff may end up developing. Client may feel more comfortable with longer staff on the case rather than new staff on a case. There can always be more to say, but this is enough for right now.


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  7. Pingback: Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice: What Is I...

  8. Pingback: Trauma-informed care: Implications for mentoring : The Chronicle of Evidence-Based Mentoring

  9. Pingback: Trauma-Informed Care: Is Your Eye on the Thread Or the Jewel? | SocialWorkSynergy

  10. Pingback: Core Principles of Trauma-Informed Care: Key Learnings [1 of 3] - SocialWork.Career

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